Beloved Friends

Her favorite people in the world

Jericho has quite literally come a long way in her journey throughout the multi verse, so it should come as no surprise that she's made a handful of friends along the way.After all, she is a trouble magnet!

𝔗ð”Ĩð”Ē 𝔉𝔎ð”ĩ 𝔖ð”Ķð”Ŧ 𝔒ð”Ģ 𝔊ð”Ŋð”Ēð”Ēð”Ą: 𝔅𝔞ð”ŦThe first man she ever truly loved, and the first to break her heart. Despite being rejected by his affections, Jericho knows that she will love Ban unconditionally until her dying day. She treasures him dearly and always goes above and beyond to spoil him rotten on his birthday.She misses the days where he'd snatch her away and use her as a pillow.

𝔗ð”Ĩð”Ē 𝔅ð”Ēð”°ð”ą 𝔉ð”Ŋð”Ķð”Ēð”Ŧð”Ą: 𝔊ð”ēð”Ķð”Đ𝔞Jericho couldn't have asked for a better gal pal than Guila. Whenever they've been apart from one another for some time, Guila always welcomed her back with that sweet smile of hers and a warm hug to boot. She reveres Guila as her superior and cherishes her dearly as the best friend she's quite possibly ever had.Jericho is a big fan of her meat pies and hopes that Guila could teach her how to be a better cook.

𝔓𝔞𝔭𝔞 𝔖ð”Ķð”Ŧ, â„Ļð”Ĩð”Ķð”ģ𝔞ð”Ī𝔎Jericho has come to think of Zhivago as the kindest father figure she has in her life, thankful to him for always watching over her, cheering her up when she's blue and happy beyond words that he considers her an adopted daughter.While part of her is devastated that he alwasys asks about when he's going to get Grandpups from her, she's still touched that he thinks highly enough of her to be worthy of his son.

ℌð”Ēð”Ŋ 𝔗ð”Ē𝔞𝔠ð”Ĩð”Ēð”Ŋ; 𝔈ð”Ŋð”Ēð”Ŧ
Where would she be today, were it not for her beloved hybrid. Eren picked her up when she had reached the lowest of the low points in her life, her heart shattered to pieces over an unrequited love and confidence completely decimated. Had she been told a few years back that he would whip her into shape to become a strong and confident young woman..she would have laughed. He patched her broken heart back together, managed to worm his own way in; becoming so much more than a dear friend/teacher role model.
Jericho is almost quite literally a female version of Eren, picking up his snarky wit and charming ways. And while he's unintentionally broke her heart a couple of times, he always managed to find a way to bring her back to him each least...that was until she finally found the courage to finally leave his side. The hybrid will ð—Ūð—đ𝘄ð—Ū𝘆𝘀 hold a special place in her heart, though she cannot bear to think of herself as but one of 'many' or even 'second best'.

𝔇ð”Ŋ𝔞ð”Ī𝔎ð”Ŧ 𝔐𝔎𝔊𝔊𝔞; 𝔗𝔎ð”Ŧð”ĶToni was making the maid thing look cool YEARS before another particular dragon maid.All joking aside, Jericho hopes that Toni will be able to look at herself in the same light that so many others who love her view her. She's a hell of a woman, a loyal friend, and a secret badass. Even if she doesn't always believe so.

𝔖ð”Ķð”Đð”Ēð”Ŧð”ą 𝔖ð”īð”Ēð”Ēð”ąð”Ĩð”Ē𝔞ð”Ŋð”ą; áĶōᏕōOne of the best decisions she's ever made was going out in search of her little bionic friend. Jericho feels guilty because she's been meaning to learn sign language with the young lad for years now so that they could talk to one another. She has no clue what happened to him in his past life, she just wants to make sure he's happy in this one. And she knows that Toni is ensuring his well being all the while.While she deeply loves Koso, she fears that he is afraid of her.

𝔇𝔞𝔰ð”Ĩð”Ķð”Ŧð”Ī 𝔇ð”Ē𝔊ð”Ķð”Īð”Žð”Ą; 𝔖ð”Ĩð”ēð”Ķ𝔠ð”Ĩð”ĶTheir first encounter was when the General had lost his memories and thought he didn't have any friends. Jericho had offered to be his friend and he would only agree...if she entertained him. As such, the knight did a horrendously awkward dance. Seriously. It was awful. But Shuichi busted his gut and told her they could be friends. Since his memories had eventually been restored, Shu likes to say and do things to set her off (all in good fun). One time, she punched him so hard, her gauntlets exploded. But he was a good pal and replaced them with better ones for Christmas.Jericho misses his teasing, only on occasion, though!

ð”–ð”ąð”Ēð”ģð”Ēð”ŦInitially terrified by the mighty dragon papa, Jericho eventually grew rather fond of both Steven and Eleanor. It's funny, there was this whole stereotype of knights and dragons supposedly being rivals, and yet ever since she met Eren she's done nothing but befriend several of them.

𝔐𝔞ð”Īð”ąð”Ĩð”ķð”Ŋ𝔞More often than not, Mags embarrasses Jericho with her constant affection. But she's been a very dear friend to the knight for some time now and has bestowed a few amazing swords upon her. One of which was sadly destroyed by Samael, though replaced some time later with an even more powerful blade.

𝔄 ð”Ģð”Ēð”Đð”Đ𝔎ð”ī 𝔎ð”Ŧð”Ķð”Īð”Ĩð”ą ð”Ķð”Ŧ 𝔄ð”Ŋ𝔊𝔰; 𝔗𝔎ð”Đ𝔞ð”ŦTolan and Jericho hit it off almost immediately, likely because the two of them are knights who live by their codes of honor. Because Tolan took a liking to Jericho right away, he was kind enough to make her a suit of armor that matched his own (which she paid him handsomely for!)She's oblivious to his flirtations, despite being a natural charmer herself.

ℜð”ķ'ð”Đð”Ēð”Ĩð”Ķ𝔞ð”Ŧ ð”Đ𝔎ð”ģð”Ēð”Ŋ; 𝔄ð”Ŧð”ąð”Ķ𝔊𝔎ð”Ŧð”ĶTo say that Jericho owed Ani her life would be the understatement of all centuries past. The young Holy Knight had bitten off more than she could chew when she had been lured in by the draconic Eldritch deity known as Nifhalheim; and had Ani not intervened she might have been lost to the madness before succumbing to the eternal cold that the beast was known for. Had the outer god taken an interest in her, or the beast she was determined to conquer? It could have been both, but regardless of his initial intent, the 𝘙ð˜Ē𝘚𝘭𝘊ð˜Ŋð˜Ķ 𝘚ð˜ķð˜ģð˜Ļð˜Ķ had aided in the demon's sealing and in turn, he had earned himself a devoted knight in the process. The Holy War had been conquered, the kingdom of Brittania was at long last able to enjoy peace...and Jericho was able to pursue her own dreams.Ani quite literally swept Jericho off from her feet and helped her reach heights that she'd never thought possible; he'd grown from her savior, to a treasured friend and now her beloved.

𝔗ð”Ĩð”Ē DĖķiĖķrĖķtĖķyĖķ ĖķPĖķiĖķrĖķaĖķtĖķeĖķ 𝔖𝔊ð”ēð”Īð”Īð”Đð”Ēð”ŊWhat ð˜Ĩ𝘰 you do with drunken sailors?Nine out of ten times, Jericho wants to punch him square in that stupid chiseled smirking jaw of his. Although she knows she can count on him to have her back in an ambush, just as he can count on her for the very same.Despite the constant flirtations and weird eye tick (his winking), Jericho does consider James to be a good friend, and she knows whenever she needs to get away for a while that he won't hesitate to take her on board his ship someplace far away, which is especially great for sating Nifhalheim's insatiable thirst.